The study of urban space transformations is intended to reflect its changes under the influence of the principal mainstream directions of development in a highly globalized world. The functional transformation of individual urban areas is possible through the mechanisms resulting in restructuring of spatial economic and settlement ties etc. The profound transformations of the compact areas within the Ukrainian cities in the post-Soviet period of development are related to the radical functional change of functions and constitute the derivative of the urban development transition through the crisis to new forms of existence. Modern cities represent a product of a long term development. Their territory is a repository and bearer of memory, the result of the preceding urban space organization, as well as the changes at the main historical-geographical cross-sections (i.e. development from crisis to crisis). In the more distant past, the duration of stable conditions and urban development regularities, determining the urban spatial development patterns, was quite significant. However, starting from the industrial burst and up to nowadays, this duration has begun to decline substantially. Under these conditions, field research remains a proven method to obtain reliable information and scientific results. This article focuses on new approaches to its implementation.
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