Socio-geographical analysis of possibility of applying forming components of the population in research of regional systems of the “core-periphery”
In the article the structure location administrative units of the Kherson region in the system “center – periphery”, analyzed the dynamics of the components forming the population for the period 2003– 2015 within the Kherson region. Determined that natural increase, migration rates and the properly formation of the population cannot be criteria for separation geospace to center (core) and periphery. The components forming the population, even at the regional level, show significant spatial cancellation, which is used as one of the factors delimitation geospace. Analyzed the spatiotemporal dynamics of the components forming the population, which demonstrates the need for careful use factors in the formation of the population as a quantitative trait such delimitation. Multiple options formation of the population and its components use only appropriate for a significant period as selective and random use of this material can lead to false conclusions about the validity and correctness factor population.
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