• A.M. Bainazarov
  • M.O. Lohvynova
  • V.I. Redin
  • K.Yu. Sehida
Keywords: suburban area, suburb, metropolis, satellite city, functions of suburban areas


The current rapid development of cities leads to the expansion of the boundaries of compact living of the population, and the development of processes of suburbanization increasingly covers the suburban area. The suburban area is increasingly attracting processes of innovation activity, investment and production activities, causing transformational processes in the socio-economic spheres in this regard.

The urgency of the study is due to the absence in the scientific literature of the generally accepted definition of "suburban zone". Since the list of definitions of this definition does not fully disclose its meaning.

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the conceptual-terminology apparatus of the study of suburban areas and to clarify this concept.

Almost all known definitions of "suburban zone" emphasize the geographical proximity of the suburban area to the big city (central city, city-nucleus) and the existence of close economic, functional, cultural-household and other links between them. According to our understanding, the suburban area is a multifunctional territory formed around a large city and has close economic, labor, migration, infrastructure, historical, cultural, land, educational, cultural, domestic, recreational and nature protection links.

The spatial structure of the suburban area includes suburbs, satellite towns, open spaces and infrastructural and communication territories. The outskirts of the city were formed as a result of suburbanization processes, which are significant centers of concentration of commercial activity, trade and entertainment outside the city's territory, which until recently was a residential suburbs or semi-community community. The main indicators that are taken into account in the allocation of suburban areas are: natural and migration population growth, age structure, income level, housing stock, etc.

The question of the methodology for the allocation of suburban areas remains open and requires further research, since today there is no single system and this requires further integrated socio-geographical study


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