• Yu.O. Kyselov
  • S.P. Sonko
Keywords: geopolitics, Ukrainian-Turkish strategic partnership, Black sea doctrine, Black sea integration, sacral geography


Various contacts between Ukraine and Turkey have a long history behind, and it is not without reason, taking into account the geographical proximity of both states.

At their initial stage, the relations between two states were characterized by hostility, caused mainly by a religious factor. This state of things lasted till the beginning of Moscow expansion in Ukraine, that began in the second half of the 17th century. Further Ukrainian and Turkish relations gradually assumed a partnership-like character. In particular, Hetman of Ukraine Petro Doroshenko established active foreign policy relations with the Ottoman Empire, considering them as a tactical move in the fight against Moscow and Poland.

A new significant impulse in the development of Ukrainian-Turkish relations was caused by the restoration of the independence of Ukraine in 1991. The importance of Ukrainian-Turkish partnership is caused by the fact, that Turkey is a member of NATO and, besides, Turkey in the same way as Ukraine has problems on its way to joining the EU. This creates perspective for the Black Sea integration and in this way makes the implementation of the Black Sea (and in the future – Baltic-Mediterranean) geopolitical doctrine mutually beneficial.

The following geopolitical features make Ukraine and Turkey closer: 1) their geographical location at the Black Sea coast, practically opposite each other; 2) military and political orientation towards the USA, caused by a long-standing confrontation of these countries with Russia; 3) temporary occupation of the Crimean peninsula by Russia, the native population of the Crimea are the Tatars, who are ethnically and historically close to the Turkish and supported by them; 4) existing serious problems that hamper European integration of Ukraine as well as Turkey.

New content of Ukrainian and Turkish relations is related to the anticipation of Tomos on autocephaly to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, that could be granted by Constantinople Patriarchate. The importance of this possible event goes far beyond the scope of spiritual, religious and church life, considerably changes the geopolitical situation on a continental scale. Sacral and geographical factor plays and important role in the current processes of the Black Sea integration.


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