The rapid development of geographic information systems, the penetration of GIS technologies into more and more sectors of human activity forced us to talk about the ideological death of cartography as a field of knowledge.
The idea of mapping the earth's surface through several surfaces of relativity remains the dominant feature of modern cartography. But, over the last 10-15 years, the quantity, and most importantly - the quality of knowledge about the Earth as a planet has increased. And this makes it possible to adapt them to modern processing technologies.
Cartographic queries changed. Earlier, 25-30 years ago, most of the map data and materials on the territory of the former USSR had the stamp "secret" or "for official use". Exceptions were educational, tourist and inspection maps. Aerospace photos were almost completely inaccessible to the user community (except educational and surveying). And now it is difficult to find a branch of human activity, where maps and cartographic materials for cartographic purposes are not used.
The development of technologies for creating a cartographic image, graphic and semantic load of the map is associated with the development of remote ways of fixing objects and phenomena of reality.
The use of digital technologies today allows us to conclude that in the near future contouring or backlighting of objects will replace flat-panel symbols, dashes and fillings.
There will not be white spots on the map - all objects and outlines will have textured fillings that are best suited either to the real look of the object, or to some of its characteristics.
Creating a modern electronic map requires a special approach to legend, design and compilation of a mapping document.
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