During the writing of the article, the concentration levels of heavy metals in the soil cover of the area around the landfill of solid household waste are determined. For conducting researches were selected lands of the educational-research economy KNU them. VV Dokuchaev Agricultural Design around the Private Enterprise "Processing Plant". The vast area of contaminated land is in agricultural use. Such areas can become sources of contamination of food products and the further spread of toxic substances in the environment.
Identified factors that have the greatest impact on the spread of pollutants. The environmental assessment of the environment is determined. In the course of research, modern methods of cartographic modeling of landscape ecosystems were applied. The distribution of heavy metals in conditions of climate change and the spread of water and wind erosion is considered and theoretically grounded. Climate change, which is projected to continue in the near future, in particular, rising temperatures, increasing rainfall and wind conditions, requires a rather substantial study of ways to address this issue.
It is important not only to improve the system of measures to reduce the risk of degradation of land- scapes, which is especially important for agro-landscapes with an increased danger of manifestation of water erosion and deflation, but also more important legislative and normative provision for the protection of land resources. Proposed measures of remediation of contaminated territories. Implementation of appropriate adaptive measures, will promote increase of agroecosystem stability and productivity.
Particularly important will be measures aimed at protecting land resources from degradation and rational use of moisture reserves. Since, in the conditions of high potential danger of the manifestation of erosion processes, the use of system management of surface runoff within catchment basins will be effective, by introducing a soil contingency and land reclamation system of land use.
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