The ecological state of Transcarpathia depends on the hydrological and geodynamic condition. Changes in the geodynamic state of the region can be caused by spontaneous geomechanical phenomena-landslides and earthquakes. The frequency of hydrological processes is different from the frequency of manifestation of local seismicity, but Transcarpathia is a region of Ukraine where local earthquakes may occur, with a intensity of 7-8 points on the MSK-64 scale. Recent tangible earthquakes were registered respectively in 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015. Geography of local earthquakes covers the whole territory of Transcarpathia. To solve the problem of the ecological state caused by seismic phenomena, it is urgent to study the geodynamics of the region (modern horizontal movements), seismic activity of the region. It is important to study the influence of factors that change the characteristics of the geodynamic and, therefore, seismic states of the region. Such factors are meteorological values and parameters of the hydrological state of the region, which can be accelerating or inhibiting elements of geophysical
phenomena. Seismotectonic processes in the region - the bursts of the bark and local earthquakes cause changes in the geological structures (compression and expansion of the upper layers of the earth's crust), accompanied by changes in the physical characteristics of the rocks. These changes are manifested in variations in the parameters of the geophysical fields: the magnetic field, the radioactive background of the environment, which can be observed both before and after the seismic event. The connection of variations of electromagnetic emission in the range of frequencies 2-50 kHz with bark movements and registration of local earthquakes is noted. But the wide frequency range of electromagnetic emission monitoring does not solve the problem of identifying the priority of electromagnetic emission frequencies in the intervals of anomalies of the geodynamic and seismic states of the region. Therefore, it is important to carry out continuous monitoring of electromagnetic emissions of different frequencies, to analyze the connection with the seismicity of the region, in particular the low-frequency range (2-5 kHz) for the purpose of providing prognostic characteristics. Purpose: study of the connections of the geophysical field (electromagnetic emission) and the seismotectonic state of the Transcarpathian inner deflection based on the results of geophysical observations in 2017. The object of the study is the variation of electromagnetic emission and the seismotectonic state of the region. The subject of the study is the electromagnetic emission in the range of 2 kHz, 5 kHz, its variations in the intervals of rapid modern horizontal movements in the zone of Oashi deep fault. Correlation of periods of activation of the region's seismicity, elevated magnitudes of electromagnetic emissions in the range of 5 kHz and increase in the values of the kinematic characteristics of the modern horizontal movements of the Earth's crust in the zone of the Oashi deep fault have been noted. In this connection, actual geophysical monitoring of other potential seismically dangerous areas of the crust in the zone of the Transcarpathian internal deflection is actual.
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