• Yu.O. Kuznetsova
Keywords: global warming, сrimean pine, ordinary pine forest, intensity of photosynthesis, growth rate


The article describes the Oleshkivske (in the past Tsyurupinsk) forest-hunting economy, which is located in the south of Ukraine, in the Kherson region, near the ancient city of Olesha. The farm is chosen for research, because it is artificial and was created for the storage of sands. 

It ensures the availability of fertile land in the region and performs powerful natural functions. Its place in the progressive climate changes is determined due to the planetary concern of the present. The necessity of research of forests in connection with progressive changes of a climate is revealed. Presented works of scientists related to the research of forest ecosystems. The methods they used are indicated. The composition of the forest stand of this household is analyzed. The dominant breeds and their age classes are highlighted. The morphometric characteristics of dominant tree species are given.

The method of calculation, which is chosen to calculate the intensity of photosynthesis, is presented. The components of the method chosen for research are demonstrated. The data, which are necessary for realization of calculation, is written down. In the form of a histogram the tendency of effective temperatures for the decade during the investigated period of 2017 is shown. and even the temperature increase by 3C. Modeling results in the form of drawings are shown. The histogram of growth of the pine needles of Crimean during the vegetative period of needles for 2017 is shown. and even the temperature increase by 3C. The histogram of growth of pine needles usual during the vegetative period of needles for 2017 is presented. and even the temperature increase by 3C. The conclusion and analysis of modeling results presented in the form of drawings is made. Both types of hairpins are capable of regulating the carbon dioxide balance with increasing temperature: the growth rate of the Crimean pine will increase from 0,7  to 2,5 g/ m2, and the pine usual from 0,3 to 1 g/ m2. Conclusion and analysis of simulation results are made. The comparative characteristic of the received results is carried out. The reason for the difference in the results between the selected studs for the study is indicated. For the subject of research, the pinholes of studs are chosen, because it is a productive assimilation apparatus.


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