The questions of thermal stratification of lakes of Volyn Polissya for the needs of recreation, fish farming, modeling of processes in aquatic ecosystems for the theoretical and practical needs of limnology are being substantiated. The bathymetric model and the cross section of changes in the depths of Svitle lake have been presented. The morphometric, hydrological and hydrochemical parameters of the reservoir have been evaluated. The questions of the genesis of the aqua complex have been analyzed, the schedule of water temperature changes has been built and the thermal zones of the reservoir have been pointed out. Two landscape and geographic models of the natural aquatic complex of Svitle lake have been created on the basis of thermal stratification data and lithologic-geomorphological factor. The focus is on the further exploration of lakes according to the problems of thermal stratification in the light of global climate change.
Two landscape-geographic models of the natural aquatic complex of Lake Svetl are presented in the paper taking into account various dominant approaches, in particular the leading role of the tempera-ture regime and lithologic-geomorphological factors of the natural aquatic complex. This type of model is important for the needs of recreation, fish farming in reservoirs of natural origin, as well as for the assessment of hydrophysical processes in small lakes of Ukrainian Polissya in the light of global and regional climate change. The phenomenon of thermal stratification of lakes. The light is unique from the point of view of the atypical location at a small depth of the metallymonium for the Volyn Polissya lakes. We consider it necessary to continue the research on bathymetric modeling of Volyn Polissya lakes and to study the phenomena of thermal stratification of reservoirs with the support of state institutions on hydrometeorology and ecology.
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