The urgency of the chosen topic is due to lack of scientific knowledge about reserves, occurrence conditions, patterns of formation of the material composition of deposits, concentration of pollutants and other chemical elements, which leads to serious mistakes in the choice of objects for the extraction of sapropelic raw materials, and to negative environmental impacts during exploitation of these deposits.
The article deals with the distribution laws, resources and structure of lacustrine sapropel stocks in the Rivne administrative region. The most favorable conditions for the formation of sapropel were formed in the north of the region under the conditions of the Ukrainian Polissya. The largest deposits are found in small karst lakes confined to the Pripyat basin, on fluvioglacial well-wavy plains. According to the documents of the geological service «Geoinform Ukraine», stocks of sapropel are available within the six administrative districts of the Rivne region. The most explored deposits are in the Zarychnyanskyi administrative district. According to the intelligence category A + C2, 7672.2 thousand tons of sapropel were found here, which are 55.2% of the explored ones. In other parts of the region, the supplies of sapropel are much smaller and only in Volodymyrets, Dubrovytsya and Kostopil administrative regions exceed 1 million tons.
There are sapropels of almost all the types, classes and species in the region. The most widespread are organo-clay (1940.7 thousand tons), organo-glandular (1949.8 thousand tons), organo-sandy (1732.4 thousand tons) and clay- limestone (1019.9 thousand tons). The total reserves by categories А + С2, calculated on the basis of stock materials, – amount to 13900,0 thousand tons, while the balance sheet consists of 8381,3 thousand tons. Most of the lake deposits of sapropel have reserves of more than 100 thousand tons and an area of up to 0.5 km2. The depth of depositions in lakes is quite sufficient for industrial excavation, and the area is suitable for use of hydromechanized equipment. Detailed exploration covers only 23% of lake deposits of sapropel. This indicator is lower than the average for the Polissya regions of Ukraine. The prospect of further research is to develop individual recommendations for the protection and rational use of organomineral resources of the region.
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