The article considers how with the latest technologies it is possible to create geographic databases for ecotourism. The article attempts to develop a system of geographical inventory of natural resources for the development of ecological tourism. Actually, the development of such databases meets the requirements of the specialty "constructive geography and rational use of natural resources", providing the part of the name to the door.
The relevance of the chosen topic is substantiated by the fact that these resources should be coordi- nated and created so that each category of users receives information according to its needs, with the most appropriate conditions. The system will include several layers with affiliated information attributes. These will include environmental data and monitoring, historical development of the territory, infrastructure, information on ecotourism opportunities, that is, ecological trails, natural and historical objects, etc., as well as the possibility to view photos and videos about certain objects.
The advantages of this database are: the process of sharing and disseminating information is faster and cheaper; the creation of a single product of ecological tourism and an ecological database system facilitates the use of a database for people with diverse interests, for tourists, for educational purposes, and for environmentalists; the occupation of objects of the NFP and historical monuments, as well as the development of the market; recognition and disclosure of sites not only in Ukraine, but also abroad; increasing the number of potential tourists by improving the level of information; easy access to attractions for tourists; Estimated impact on the environment that helps to preserve it, manage the flow of tourists in protected areas, as well as carry out educational activities; creation of possibilities for similar researches, creation of the database in other territories with the developed ecotourism infrastructure.
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