• I.K. Nesterchuk
Keywords: landscape, gastronomic tourism, gastronomy of the region, gastronomic image, tourist projection


The article analyzes the preconditions for the development of gastronomic tourism in the territories of the Right-bank Polissya and analyzes the landscape, which is the main designer of the territory and resources that enhance and limit the development of gastronomic tourism in the region.

The aim. Theoretical substantiation of the preconditions for the development of gastronomic tourism in the region, taking into account the landscapes and gastronomic characteristics of the ethnos, their gastronomic culture. The rapid ethnic-cultural revival, which is accompanied by the widespread growth of human curiosity towards its own national identity, has become one of the strongest responses to the challenges of globalization.

Method. Retrospective analysis of natural-recreational and ethno-cultural potential in the framework of gastronomic tours. As part of the study, we tried to evaluate regional ethno-cultural gastronomic tourism resources based on physical and geographical zoning, contemplating people in the landscape.

Results. According to the results of the conducted research the local potential is analyzed and new  directions of development of gastronomic tourism are outlined. Within the framework of the research, the evaluation of regional ethno-cultural gastronomic tourism resources is presented, and also new trends in the using of the richest historical and cultural heritage of the Right-bank Polissya are outlined.

Scientific novelty. Based on physical and geographical zoning, a new concept of gastronomic tourism at the local level is proposed and grounded.

Practical significance. The obtained results can be used in marketing researches of the market of tourist services and recreational needs of tourists. Reorienting of tourism to the domestic market, will create the need to develop new types of tourist products.


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