The article is devoted to the issue of formation of the students’ definitions and terminology vocabulary regarding the Population Geography within the School Course of Geography. The reformation of the education system and the introduction of the competency-based approach put on the agenda the search of the effective methods, strategies of learning basic definitions in the process of the Geography study at school. The Population Geography is the important discipline of the Social (Social and Economic) Geography and, at the same time, crucial segment of the school geography education. The definition and terminology vocabulary of the Population Geography is notable for the complexity, and much more high level of abstraction, compared to the physicogeographical terminology and definitions, and the necessity of the multiple-stage return to the learning of such terminology and definitions. At the same time, the importance of understanding of the terminology and definitions particularly regarding the Population Geography is explained by their social orientation, wide use in everyday life, interdisciplinary nature, access to the related sciences (Demographics, Sociology, Economy, Ethnology, etc.), discrepancy between international and national explanations of certain definitions (e.g., in the sphere of the population employment).
The purpose of the research is to study, summarize and substantiate some didactic conditions, technologies and methods of formation of the definition and terminology vocabulary regarding the Population Geography within the School Course of Geography in the context of the requirements of actual school geography education.
The major conditions, approaches and methods of formation of the terminology competence in the Population Geography segment within the students have been explained. The recommendations regarding the use of various methodological approaches, examples of particular tasks aimed at studying terminology and definitions, know and apply terminology in training tasks fulfillment have been provided. Among the recommended methods are the use of intellect cards, denotational graphs, Euler cycles, among the technologies are playing, interactive and information technologies. The scientists’ approaches to the definition of what shall be determined as the terminology and the definition respectively have been analyzed. On the materials of the Population Geography, the approaches to the systematization of the terminology and definitions depending on certain criteria have been considered.
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