• V.S. Bohadorova
Keywords: farm, socio-geographical research, specialization, land use, agricultural production


An important scientific, theoretical and practical task is the substantiation of the socio-geographical essence of farms. Therefore, the article deals with theoretical, methodological and methodological aspects of socio-geographical research of farms. A number of functions are revealed (socio-economic, resource, ecological, recreational, educational), principles (historical, differentiation, integrity, objectivity, methodical interconnectivity) in the study and analysis of the development of farms, methods of studying the territorial organization of farms (historical, monographic, calculation-constructive, abstract-logical, statistical, cartographic methods, systematic approach, etc.), types of their zoning (on the specialization of plant growing, animal husbandry, integral function but-typological). The algorithm of research of the farms on the regional level with the use of statistical and mathematical methods is suggested, the main indicators of which are the average long-term size of farms within the region for a certain period, specialization of plant growing and livestock farming. In order to identify the specialization of crop and animal husbandry of farms, trajectories of their development, it is proposed to use the coefficients of territorial localization. The index of livestock provision in agricultural holdings has been proposed for assessing the forage base. In order to generalize the materials on the influence of various factors on the development and functioning of farms, the most appropriate methodological approach is to create a matrix of correlation links. The final stage of the socio-geographical research of farms is the development and justification of a set of measures for the further development of farms and increase their socioeconomic and environmental efficiencyIn the article all stages of socio-geographical research of farms are considered. It should be noted that it is the territorial differences of natural agrarian resources in the region that most differentiate agricultural production and determine the development of farms.


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