New conditions for the development of Ukraine’s economy require increased attention to national and regional labor markets. Already, in some sectors of the economy there are new facts for Ukraine of shortages of labor resources. The basis of this phenomenon, besides economic factors, is the deterioration of the age structure of the population, which determines the presence and qualitative parameters of labor resources by its structure.
In modern scientific literature devoted to issues of labor resources and labor markets, a great deal of attention is paid to the analysis of demographic factors. Most authors recognize the decisive role of the age structure of the population in the formation of specific regional labor markets. The age structure of the population serves as the factual basis for forecasting the provision of labor resources of the region and the country.
Cluster analysis allowed distinguishing in the Kyiv region a significant spatial differentiation of the age structure of the population.
The differentiation of the age structure of the population of the administrative units of the Kyiv region allowed us to distinguish between two types that differ significantly in the ratio of the main age groups.
The first type, which predominantly forms the periphery of the Kyiv region, is characterized by a high percentage of the population of the older age group, low share of children and working age population.
The second type was formed around Kiev and has a relatively young population structure, with a high proportion of children (on the background of the Kiev region as a whole) and people of working age. Part of administrative units of the second type can be attributed to the transition group between the components of the first and second types.
Spatial analysis shows centrifugal, centripetal, peripheral trends in the deteriorated age structure of the population. The main geographic vector of deterioration is observed from Kyiv to the periphery of the region. On the periphery of the region there is a two-fold excess of the share of pensioners over children.
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