The relevance of the study is fueled by the need to identify the factors contributing to the resettlement of IDPs in Ukraine, which will make it possible to identify their structural features, immediate needs and to introduce directions of regional policy aimed at solving the acute problems of IDPs. The purpose of the article is to analyze the factors that influence the territorial concentration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine. The territorial characteristics of the placement of IDPs, most of which reside in regions geographically close to the Separate districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk region, are considered. A significant proportion of immigrants live in the territory of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kiev regions and in the city of Kiev. Uneven placement of IDPs in Ukraine leads to excessive social and administrative burden on host communities, local labor markets, social infrastructure of resettlement regions, complicates the implementation of employment policies.
The author has identified four groups of factors that influence the placement of IDPs: naturalgeographical, political, economic, socio-demographic. Migrants choose for their residence economically developed areas, which have a significant proximity to the territories of their previous residence, while other areas are almost ignored.
Therefore, among the most important possible factors for the placement of internally displaced persons, the following were considered: territorial, proximity to certain districts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, employment opportunities, resettlement experience of predecessors, urbanization level of the receiving region, access to education, health care, family ties, ethno-national and religious views of the local population, electoral views, values of the population, the possibility of social protection, the attitude of the local population towards the immigrants and the like. The group of economic factors includes employment opportunities, the availability of jobs and favorable working conditions, takes into account the industrial specialization of the region, the stable development of the economy, high quality of life and a high index of regional development.
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