In the article a systematic analysis of the peculiarities of the formation and functioning of the tafal landscapes in the past and at the present stage of the development of society has been carried out. This research is of an interdisciplinary nature, since it uses scientific approaches of geography, history, and cultural studies. The tafal landscape is considered by the author as a type of a sacred one and is interpreted as a complex natural-man-made or anthropogenic system which has distinct boundaries and includes burial, natural, anthropogenic-man-made components, a person, or a group of people who, because of perceptual factors, consider such a system to be an object worship and respect. In the context of the study of the tafal landscapes, perceptual factors include the cultural, religious, ideological, individual, sacral perception of the landscape.
The author’s classification scheme of the tafal landscapes is formulated in the paper, where the investigated territorial systems can be classified according to the following characteristics: the characteristics of burial structures, periodization chronology, guard status. The author considered how the tafal landscapes were being changed in historical terms. Particular attention is paid to paleo tafal landscapes, which had a sacred meaning for people in recent times. Such landscapes are an objective chronicle of human development. In addition, most of the past history of the tafal landscapes are protected at world, national and local levels, which has not only scientific but also historical and cultural significance.
Modern tafal landscapes are formed on the outskirts of settlements and are characterized by an ordered (cluster) burial system, which depends on certain physical and geographical factors, in particular: hydrogeology, relief, and soils.
The features of the formation of modern Ukrainian cities and the specifics of their development led to the fact that the tafal landscapes that were created at different times were absorbed by the new architectural building and local infrastructure. The territory of the cemeteries that are being disappeared is used for the recreation, as well as for industrial and residential development. The study of this problem will be the purpose of our further research.
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