The purpose of the article is to analyze the influence and connection of the settlement system on the parameters of the decentralization process. The article used such methods as analysis, generalization, systematization, the method of analysis of interconnections and interdependencies, comparative-geographical, and mathematical. The article considers the main parameters of rural settlement at the regional level (average population of the village, average population of the village council, population density). Analyzed indicators of the system of quantitative parameters of geographical analysis of the process of formation of united territorial communities at the regional level, the administrative coefficient of association, coefficient of population unification, territorial coefficient. The correlation analysis method establishes the link between the quantitative parameters of rural settlement and the process of formation of the united territorial communities. The direct moderate connection between the settlement “Average population of the village council” and all quantitative parameters of the process of formation of the united territorial communities is determined. A grouping of districts of the Kherson region was carried out on the quantitative parameters of geographical analysis of the process of formation of united territorial communities. The main factors influencing the association of territorial communities, which, in our opinion, are: the geographical factors; cultural factors; ethnic factors; historical factors; personality factor; capacity factor; financial capacity of the budgets of territorial communities; the influence of local authorities. A grouping of the districts of Kherson oblast has been carried out on the quantitative parameters of the process of formation of the combined territorial communities at the oblast level, namely, on the modified coefficients of the territorial concentration: the administrative coefficient of the association, the coefficient of population unification and the territorial coefficient of the association. As a result of grouping, we observe a significant identity regarding the distribution of districts of the Kherson region by the quantitative parameters of the territorial community.
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