• O.F. Helevera
Keywords: climate, Kropyvnytskyi, temperature, precipitation, changes


During the period of meteorological observations at the Kropivnitsky meteorological station (from 1875 to 2018), the mean temperatures of July did not change significantly (from +20,8° to +21,0°) and is roughly + 20,9°C. The average temperatures in January increased (from -6,3° to -4,0°) and average -5,2°C. The absolute minimum during the years of observations -35,3° was fixed in 1935. The absolute maximum of temperatures was also recorded at the beginning of the last century +38,7° in 1909 and 1929; and in 2012 was +38,6°. The lowest average monthly temperature in July (+17,6°C) was observed in 1912, the highest (+25,6°C) - 1936. The lowest average monthly air temperature in January (-15,1°C) was recorded in 1963, the highest (+1,6°C) in 2007 and (+0,9°C) in 1936. The value of average annual temperatures has increased (from +7,5° to +8,6°) and is roughly +8,08°C. The maximum is recorded in 2007 and 2015 +10,2°C. The minimum average temperature was observed in 1987 +5,8°C.

During the observation period, the average annual amount of precipitation did not change significantly (from 500 mm to 515 mm) and is roughly 507,8 mm. Also, there was no shift of the period of maximum rainfall in the annual cycle. The extreme values of annual rainfall are recorded in the first third of the last century: an absolute minimum of 278 mm was noted in 1904, and a maximum of 783 mm – 1932 years. Accordingly, the driest period of the long period was 1891-1904 with an average annual rainfall of 452 mm. During this period only the annual amount of precipitation exceeded the average long-term indicator – in 1897 (530 mm). That is, there are several dry and humid periods that last about 35 years. During 143 years of instrumental measurements there is a certain cyclicity of changes in climatic indicators. We can assume that the full cycle (warming + cooling) lasts 70-75 years, that is, 35-38 years – cold and the same - warming. Assuming that the current warming cycle began in 1988, it will probably in 2022-2025 years.


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