• Ye.D. Hopchenko
  • M.E. Burlutska
  • M.Ye. Romanchuk
  • M.O. Martyniuk
Keywords: maximum runoff, rain floods, spring water, conditions for the formation of stock characteristics


Determination of the characteristics of maximum runoff of rain floods and spring water is widely used, but their calculation in the conditions of limited output data should be attributed to insufficiently studied both in theoretical and practical terms. For the normal functioning of hydraulic structures, as well as to avoid catastrophic consequences for settlements, it is necessary to calculate and predict the maximum runoff precisely. The insufficient degree of studying the peculiarities of forming the maximum runoff of rivers in Ukraine requires further development of the research. Unlike modern normative documents, the authors of the article are proposed a generalized structure for rain floods and spring water. Different methods are only parameters that are individually for floods and spring water.

The current normative documents in force in Ukraine use the base-years experience in the field of the theory and practice of hydrological calculations, accumulated by scientific research institutes and project water management institutions as of 1975.

In particular, in the absence of observation data for the maximum drainage of spring water, the structure of the empirical type is recommended, using the dependence on the estimated layers of the runoff and the coefficients that characterize the watercourse's friendliness, calculated from the materials of the analogue rivers.

In order to take into account the reduction of the reduction of maximum drainage modules in the area of small catchment areas (with an area less than 10 km2), the parameter “b” is introduced into the structure of the formula.

The maximum drainage of rain floods is determined taking into account the size of the catchments (at F < 200 km2 is the formula of the limiting intensity, and at F > 200 km2 – the reduction structure).

The method of calculation and forecasts is brought to the level of their use.

The relevance of the past period is due to the need to study the processes of forming the characteristics of the maximum runoff of rain floods and spring water.


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