• H.I. Denysyk
  • R.V. Didura
Keywords: road landscape engineering system, Kyiv – Odesa highway, heavy metals, area, maximum permissible concentrate (MPC), soil pollution, migration, accumulation


The heavy metals content in the soil was investigated within the road landscape engineering system of Kyiv – Odesa. The heavy metals as Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd of the first and second classes of danger were detected. Four full-size areas for research were selected: the first one is near the town of Bila Tserkva (Kyiv region), the second one is located near the village of Nesterivka (Cherkasy region), the third part of the study is near the village of Pikivets (Cherkasy region), the fourth - near the city of Uman on the fork “clover leaf” (Cherkasy region). It is established that the content of the mobile form of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in the soil varies in different ways. Zinc dissipates and decreases by MPC from the source of pollution and at a distance of 15 m from the road reaches its minimum. Like zinc the cadmium is scattered at a distance of 15 m from the canvas road, the MPC falls to a minimum value. Plumbum in local background areas shows different tendencies for dispersion. Copper on all studied areas is within the limits of the norm and shows a decrease in the amount of concentration from the roadway. However, small areas with an abnormal content of zinc of 40,9 mg/kg have been recorded; Excess of zinc content in this area is observed since 2016. The research results provide up-to-date reliable information that can be used by monitoring services in the process of development of anti-degradation and optimization measures for the operation of not only the Kyiv – Odesa highway, but also other road engineering and landscape systems in Ukraine. In the future, these studies may enter the information base for further development of future projects and plans for the development and operation of road landscape engineering systems, rational use and protection of the surrounding landscapes.


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