• A.V. Kuzyshyn
  • I.B. Halytska
Keywords: Ternopil region, therapeutic tourism, health tourism, treatment and recreational centers, territorial organization of medical and health tourism, specialization of treatment and recreational centers


Our research approach is based on the convictions that the tourism sector today is characterized by a multi-vector development and the formation of new areas that need to be evaluated accordingly. To determine certain areas of tourism at the level of profile world organizations, the question of unification of the basic terms and their derivatives arrises, which are supposed to coordinate different national positions. From this points, it is relevant to popularize the modern studies of UNWTO and ETC in this area.

Today one of the trend areas of tourism should be considered health-therapeutic tourism, which has long-standing tradition in Europe and the corresponding resource base in the regions of Ukraine. The current issue of modern research should be considered studying the state of health-therapeutic tourism functioning of at the level of regional areas, where this direction of tourism is not considered profile. The tool of study is the assessment of the statistical indicators of occupancy of the corresponding institutions during 2000-2016, as well as an analysis of the potential capabilities of the respective nuclei of health-therapeutic recreation. The existing resource base is not sufficiently used and is characterized by low infrastructure availability. The study analyzed the potential directions of treatment and recreation provided by such centers, but at the same time, there is a low informativeness about the activities of other health facilities (sanatoria-preventorium, recreation centers, children’s sanatoria, etc.), their capacity and potential for reception of tourists. Also, the current issue is the modernization of existing health-therapeutic facilities in order to bring them to European standards and the corresponding growth of visitors.

The diagrams analyze the dynamics of interest to the therapeutic area in the Ternopil region.

The conducted researches confirm the opinion that health-therapeutic tourism is a promising direction of tourism development in the region, which is facilitated by available medical resources and natural conditions, which are similar in their indicators to the leading regional areas of Ukraine with the development of health-therapeutic tourism.


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