The article reveals the identity of individual locations of the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia, undergoing rapid post-socialist transformation of the urban space. The information for the analysis was obtained through a sociological survey of city residents. Respondents were asked to give associations and images arising from the 12 selected locations that, according to the initial hypothesis, have either a powerful identity constituting a significant component of urban identity, or a ambiguous identity formed by multiple conflicting elements, or weak unbalanced identity that can be reinforced based on the historical and cultural potential of the location. Respondents’ responses were the subject of a content analysis aimed at determining the list of elementary associations associated with each location under study and the number of mentions of each association in the responses of all respondents. Each location was characterized in terms of the component structure of its identity: material environment, characteristics, emotions, activities. The structure of the perceived emotional load was also determined by the ratio of “positive”, “neutral” and “negative” associations. Complex associations, characterizing related elementary associations, were identified as well. The identity of each location was also characterized in terms of broadness and polarization.
The study showed that the considered urban locations have different models of identity development, influenced and specified by the characteristics of the material environment of the location, its architectural and planning completeness/integrity, intensity of involvement in public life, functioning as a public space of the city, historical and cultural significance. Most locations have a multi-level hierarchical structure of associated associations. A developed hierarchical structure is usually an indicator of a developed and balanced identity. The unbalanced identity structure is typical for the newly formed locations, as well as those marked by architectural and planning incompleteness and poor integration into the everyday life of the locals.
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