The methodological approaches to substantiation of the category “mono-development” have been analyzed in the article. The leading and traditional approaches in social and geographical studies are historical-geographical (retrospective) and territorial (geospatial), which should be combined with genetic, in which all geographical phenomena are considered as processes with their genesis, dynamics, differences, patterns. To study the processes of systemic formation, an integrated approach is essential, which requires a comprehensive analysis of the development of the main factors of formation of modern social and economic processes in the regions. The systematic approach allows considering the functioning and development of the territorial mono-system and its basic types as systems of territorial organization of society at different hierarchical levels, revealing their integrity and mechanisms that ensure effective management of such mono-development. Along with the systematic approach, a synergistic approach is of increasing use, which requires a detailed study of the factors of formation of the mono-system and processes. In modern conditions, self-organization plays a major role in the transmission of information about the processes occurring in the territorial system, respectively, the role of applying the information approach is increasing. The structure of the territorial system, as a specific historical and temporal form of organization of society, can be considered in component-functional and territorial-functional aspects. In the face of various challenges characteristic of the last decade, one of the most important forms of social adaptation to new social realities has been the formation and strengthening of territorial (local and regional) identities in certain territories with a stable historical, cultural, economic and social specificity. In connection with this, cluster (formation of so-called network structures), behaviorist (explanation of the territorial identity of the mono-system), participative approaches (strategic planning of the territorial development of the mono-system) are of greater use along with the system.
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