• O.A. Bezdukhov
Keywords: solid domestic waste, territory, cluster, cluster approach, zoning, environment, Chernihiv region


In the article attention was focused on the relevance of research aimed at monitoring and analysis of the dynamics of accumulation and spatial distribution of solid household wastes, and on the development and implementation of a special method of territories differentiation according to the level of man-caused loading due to the influence of waste on the environment state. It was noted that the problem of dealing with solid domestic waste is relevant for all regions of Ukraine and needs to be solved in Chernihiv region. A brief analysis of recent research and publications on this topic was made. The application of the cluster approach to studying of the current state of accumulation and spatial distribution of solid household waste was considered. The dynamics and the current state of solid domestic waste accumulation in Chernihiv region was analyzed. The main stages of the cluster analysis algorithm were considered. Cluster analysis to differentiate the regions by the amount of solid waste generation and accumulation in Chernihiv region was done. The clusters of the present state of anthropogenic pressure due to the influence of solid household waste on the region environment state were distinguished. One cluster includes administrative districts of the region, which have a similar specificity of technogenic load due to the impact of waste on the environment and at the same time, different parameters of the same load in the territories of other clusters. The regional zoning was done. For the formation of the spatial representation of Chernihiv region territory zoning, the results of the cluster analysis were also presented in cartographic form. Analysis of selected clusters was done. The results of zoning emphasized the uneven distribution of man-caused load. This was due to the influence of solid household waste and the differences in the ranking of the territory by individual indicators. The combined use of a set of indicators gives the possibility of carrying out as a complex mapping of territories the formation of a general idea of the distribution of this component of anthropogenic impact on the environment.


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