• O.V. Davydov
Keywords: coastal zone, coastal systems, “winged foreland”, spit, island, island bar


Coastal systems that are diverse in evolutionary direction have become widespread in the coastal zone of the World Ocean, among which the most specific type is “Winged foreland”. Excretion of the corresponding type is due to the presence in the coastal system of certain genetic features of lithodynamic, hydrodynamic, morphological and evolutionary direction. Four coastal systems of this type are distinguished within the Black Sea coastal zone, but not all of them are fully consistent with the genetic features of “winged forelands”.

The Kinburnska-Pokrovska-Dovgiy coastal system is located in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, near the mouth of the Dnieper River and the Southern Bug, within the western part of the Kinburn Peninsula. By a certain number of features the corresponding system can be identified as a “winged foreland”.

Directed scientific research of the Kinburnska-Pokrovska-Dovgiy coastal system began in the second half of the 18th century, when it became necessary to study the conditions of navigation in the Dnieper- Bug estuary. The most detailed first descriptions of the corresponding area can be found in the works of E. Manganari, M. Krendovsky and M. Sokolov.

Direct studies of coastal processes began in the second half of the 20th century, the materials of relevant studies are outlined in the works of V.P. Zenkovich, P.D. Pidhorodetsky, L.I. Pozyuk, A.I. Pravotorova etc. At the end of the 20th century the features of coastal processes were introduced in the works of I.M. Kotovskiy, D.O. Chernyakova and Yu.D. Shuiskiy.

Genetically the Kinburnska-Pokrovska-Dovgiy coastal system was formed on the placing of the flooded part of the Dnieper and Southern Bug estuaries as a result of the formation of an underwater shafts’ system, their displacement and transformation into a coastal bar. Lithodynamically the studied system is the result of the interaction of transverse and along-shore sediment flows.

Four structural and dynamic elements are distinguished within the system, which include: Kinburnska Spit, Front Beach, Pokrovska Spit and Krugliy Island and Dovgiy Island, Sukha Spit and Island Bar.


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