Water-protecting arealing of the region and development of water conservation measures aimed at minimizing the negative effects of anthropogenic impact and improving the geo-ecological situation in the region. The main tasks of the study are: disclosure of methodological aspects of water-protecting arealing of the region; allocation of areas requiring different water protection measures depending on the severity of the situation; development of water protection measures for each specific area. Water-protecting arealing is carried out taking into account the landscape-hydrological organization of the territory, as well as the degree of anthropogenic load on the river basins and the quality of river water. 7 areals are identified: crisis, pre-crisis, adverse, conditionally satisfactory, satisfactory, conditionally natural and natural, requiring different water-protecting measures with different intensity of their application. The selection criteria for these areals are: the level of anthropogenic load on river basins, the assessment of river water quality and the natural features of the territory. The names of the selected areals mainly depend from the status of the river basins. Common water-protecting measures that can be recommended for improving the geo-ecological situation in the region, first of all, are rational organization of the territory (optimal ratio of areas of arable, meadow, forest and other types of land on eaсh specific basin), introduction of soil-protective contour meliorative territorial organization and the establishment of water protection zones and the restoration and creation of coastal protection strips also. In addition to general water-protecting measures, each area requires the application of specific measures: agrotechnical, phytomeliorative, hydrotechnical, anti-erosion, anti-deflation and others. In conclusion, the authors note that the developed complexes of water protection measures in general reflect the directions of improvement of the status of river basins of Sumy region, but each river, each river basin requires specific actions, characteristic for the given catchment area.
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