Due to the transition of the water management system of Ukraine on the basin principle, the issues of mapping of the hydrographic network of Volyn Polessia and assessment of surface waters of this physical and geographical area are being actualized. The main unit of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) today is the river basin district and the corresponding sub-basins and water management areas. There is also a need to study the hydrographic network not only on the river basin principle, but also on the landscape-geographical approach, which is caused by the development of a cadastre of surface waters of physical and geographical areas to substantiate schemes of balanced nature management.
This paper presents a scheme of physical and geographical zoning of Volyn Polessia with the separation of the model Verhnoprypiatskyi region. The features of anthropogenic transformations of natural complexes of the district as a result of drainage reclamation have been characterized. The hydrographic parameters of watercourses, in particular rivers, reclamation canals (functioning and drying) and directional streams of small watercourses of the area (number, length, area) have been estimated. The category of surface waters of the physical and geographical area, namely artificial reservoirs (ponds, quarries, sedimentary reservoirs, baths), lakes and old lands have been decoded by quantity and area according to RS materials.
A comparative analysis of the areas of some lakes in the model area has been made and the high degree of conservation of the lake water bodies of the Upper Pripyat has been emphasized.
The hydrographic parameters of Verhnoprypiatskyi physical and geographical area in the land structure of the landscape have been generalized. Lakes (48,25%) occupy the largest share in the surface waters of the model area, followed by reclamation canals and channeled streams of small watercourses (35,40%), rivers account for 13,09% and artificial reservoirs – 3,26%. Surveys of surface waters of the physical and geographical areas of Volyn Polessia allowed to form a modern landscape and hydrographic base for the needs of sectoral monitoring of watercourses and reservoirs, preventive measures for flood risks, restoration of small watercourses, and reclamation systems.
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