• O.O. Dolynska
Keywords: tourism, tourist services, competitiveness, SWOT-analysis


The result of the analysis revealed a clear polarization in the territorial structure of the Khmelnitsky regional tourist complex, which is caused by natural conditions and resources for the tourist activity development. Analyzing the regional economic results of tourism activities, we note that the Khmelnitsky region corresponds to the average Ukrainian level. The main operating costs of travel companies are labor costs and material costs, which does not significantly increase the profitability of tourism activities. Assessment of natural and anthropogenic factors showed that the Khmelnytskyi region, considering that on its territory is the largest national natural park of Ukraine – “Podilski Tovtry”, as well as a number of other valuable nature protected objects, where it is possible to organize different species tourist activity, occupies one of the leading places in the country. The specificity of the Khmelnytskyi region is the uneven territorial distribution of tourist sites, which creates the appropriate conditions for the implementation of sustainable development provisions in tourism activities in the region. In 2013, new national nature parks were created in the north and in the center of the Khmelnytskyi region – “Verkhne Pobuzhya” and “Male Polissya”, which can also be included in eco-tourism. Due to the diversity and prevalence of historical and cultural resources and the prospects of their involvement in the recreational and tourism sphere, it means the Khmelnytskyi region is one of the regions with high touristic potential. It is determined that the tourism infrastructure of the Khmelnitsky region is characterized by a slight development of the corresponding hospitality infrastructure. The estimation of holding cultural, historical and tourist events is average according to the number of regular mass cultural and artistic events of national importance in the Ukrainian regions of Ukraine. Also, it should be emphasized that most of them occur in Kamianets- Podilskyi. Analysis of the potential regional tourist complex of the Khmelnitsky region showed that by the aggregate value of all tourist complex components, Khmelnytskyi region ranks eighth in Ukraine.


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