• I.H. Dudka
  • V.M. Nosachenko
Keywords: vocational training, geography teacher, environmental activities, pupils, educational process, environmental literacy


The article analyzes the practical preparation of the future teacher of geography for environmental activities. In addition the problems of environmental competence of a future geography teacher are substantiated. It will help to achieve a number of pedagogical goals for the development of students’ environmental culture, fostering a caring attitude to the environment, and improving environmental literacy.

It is noted that the study of vocational training allows the future teacher of geography to understand the peculiarities of the influence of anthropogenic factors on the geographical envelope, to understand the need for rational use of nature, to form an ecocentric type of thinking in the context of globalization, to promote safe learning environment and to improve health-saving technologies in the process.

It has been researched that the cycle of disciplines of practical training of future teachers of geography is aimed on improvement of general and professional knowledge, development of skills to apply modern pedagogical technologies, formation of professionally important personal qualities as a component of pedagogical culture. In the course of practical training, future specialists will systematize and improve the acquired knowledge, skills and skills in scientific, environmental, environmental and educational activities. It helps to develop the ability of the future specialist to use the methodological apparatus of teaching geography; the implementation of the educational process in all its diversity; mastering the algorithmic elements of pedagogical technologies and forming a creative attitude for their introduction.

The analysis of scientific sources shows that the practical preparation of the future teacher of geography for environmental activity is characterized by a number of contradictions: between the traditional system of practical training of the future teacher of geography in pedagogical universities and the need for modernization of higher education; between the theoretical knowledge of the future teacher of geography in ecology and the ability to practically implement them in their professional activities.


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