The transition to the post-industrial stage of development of society stimulated transformations at all levels of territorial organization. These changes primarily affected the economic, political, social and environmental components. The main agents of post-industrial transformation of the country were large cities and their populations. Almost 1.5 million Kharkiv, which is currently the largest city in eastern Ukraine, was one of the first cities in the country to fall into the zone of post-industrial transformations. Strong industrial heritage and available demographic potential, which is expressed not only in quantitative but in qualitative indicators, stimulated these changes.
In this paper, attention is focused on the demographic characteristics of the territory in the period of post-industrial transformations, mainly in cities with significant industrial potential. Modern postmodern concepts of world development focus on man as a person, as opposed to the industrial concept of labor resources. Therefore, it is important to understand the population of the territory not only as an economic factor, but also as a social factor of post-industrial modern, creative development.
Due to the significant applied subject area of research of post-industrial development of the territory and society, they become relevant in various fields of science. Most of the existing works are devoted to individual examples of urban transformations. At the same time, the demographic features of urban development in the period of post-industrial transition are partially revealed only as one of the factors.
However, the demographic characteristics of the population can be considered both as a consequence and as a prerequisite for post-industrial development. This paper attempts to substantiate the importance of studying the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the population as components of sociogeosystems at the regional level, their dynamics and to identify the relationship with the intensity and direction of post-industrial transformations based on available indicators of industrial development and the studied city.
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