The article analyses the changes that are taking place in the construction structure of Kyiv industrial territories during the post-industrial transformations. Analysed and summarised the results of research on the issue of residential development in Kyiv industrial areas which have experienced deindustrialisation process and were later reorganised for housing construction. Defined the industrial territories, where the share of residential development was the highest and revealed the factors that caused it. The patterns of the residential complexes distribution of elit-, business-, komfort- and economy class were analysed. It was found out that the main criterion for choosing a place for dwelling remains transport accessibility for individual and public transport and the correlation between the housing price and location. It was proved that the positive changes mean the rehabilitation of abandoned areas, increasing the housing development and the number of tertiary facilities (trade, office and business centers, schools, kindergartens, cafes, restaurants, etc.), construction of underground parking, the creation of recreational and health zones and the formation of public spaces. This creates a comfortable living environment for the population. The analysis highlighted the problems associated with the housing construction within industrial areas. This means primarily the higher density of housing development near stations and along subway lines in the central and middle zones of the city, which negatively affects the transport system during peak passenger traffic. The growing number of housing storeys especially in the areas near the historic sites of the capital spoils the architectural and landscape ensemble and doesn’t correspond to the concept of modern city spatial development. The attention is also paid on the growth of the labour flows migration, which is the result of a significant territorial gap between places of residence and work. In some cases, the problems are related to the environmental situation due to the insufficient quality rehabilitation of areas where harmful industries were located, or due to the higher density of housing development, closeness to the freight and passenger traffic corridors.
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