• I.V. Hukalova
  • N.V. Omelchenko
Keywords: urban development, urbanization, city, social geography, historiography of researches, geo-urban studies


The modern vision of the problems of studying the city presupposes its holistic, interdisciplinary perception, understanding of the city in deep retrospect as an organism that forms vital structures and traditions. The latter cannot be mastered without a new understanding of the fundamental foundations of urban development, which are reflected in the works of famous scientists from all over the world and Ukraine in the period of the most rapid growth in urbanization.

The main task of the paper is a critical analysis and historiographical review of the most important urban studies and fundamental ideas. The selection of historical stages and significant schools in terms of quality of life of the population in modern geourbanistics is made. Based on a comparative and historical review of the most important urban studies in XIX–XXI centuries, it is concluded that at the present stage new approaches to the study and planning of urban development, as well as to solving the problems of forming a healthy urban ecology, which explain the development of urban space from the standpoint of quality of life. Without pretending to make a complete and detailed review of the current state of urban research, the authors of the paper set themselves the goal of tracing the evolution of geourban studies at different levels and under different conditions, as well as of outlining the areas of highest importance for the future development of geourbanistics in our country today.

It is established that modern geourbanistics lacks empirical knowledge about the development of specific cities in accordance with their internal logic and in the context of modern realities. Due to the specific practices of each place, there are local ways of forming the quality of life of the population, the latter becomes unique together with the cities in which it is formed and reproduced. This idea has not yet been systematically developed in Ukrainian geourbanistics, but it should be done. Thanks to it, it is possible to combine different levels and different directions in understanding sustainable development and cities as its main agents.


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