• M.О. Dzhaman
  • V.V. Yermakov
Keywords: factors of territorial development, retrospective geography, Poltava historical and geographical territory, economic and geographical position, industrial and agricultural production, formative development


This article analyzes the main factors that influenced the development of social and spatial processes in the area of the Poltava Historical and Geographical Territory (HGT). The group of natural, social and economic (peculiarities of the formative development of the territory of the region, economical and geographical position in the system of territorial division of labor, demographic indicators of the population, settlement structure of the territory), political (entry into different state and political entities, long border of the location) as well as historical and cultural factors. Their influence on the development of industrial and agricultural production during the genesis of the industrial society and the formation of the settlement structure of the territory are revealed. It is noted that the agrarian development of the region includes elements of the agricultural and Prussian ways of capitalist evolution, as well as industrial production, which specializes mainly in the processing of agricultural raw materials with a significant spread of peasant handicrafts. This affected the formation of the territorial structure of the economy. The settlement processes that were determined by the main directions of the historical process of pollination of the territory of modern Poltava region from the southwest and from the regions of Right-Bank Ukraine, as well as the concentration of settlements within river valleys have been considered.

It has been shown that in the hierarchical structure of factors of territorial development of Poltava region, the leading role belongs to the system of prevailing formation regularities, to which the activity of all other factors is subordinated, which ultimately determined the peculiarities of influence of other factors of territorial development of HGT and the specificity of their combination in different spatial and time variations.


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