The article proposed an analysis of new opportunities for managing recreational resources of coastal territorial communities of Ukraine in the context of decentralization processes and modern political, socio-economic and environmental challenges. The dynamics of decentralization processes and territorial communities’ formation in 2015–2019 are analyzed in the article, differences in the course of decentralization of coastal territorial communities in Ukraine and Kherson region have been established on a comparative analysis. It’s substantiated that tourism demand, and subsequently the local economy, is significantly affected by both unexpected emergencies (such as the COVID-19 pandemic) and projected current climate change, which could adversely affect disruption of access to recreational resources and change physical conditions, including conditions of adaptation and recovery of the human body. The effects of climate change create additional challenges and uncertainties, and can significantly transform both coastal areas and social interaction in coastal communities.
The article substantiates that the potential of coastal territorial communities’ recreational resources makes it possible to improve their financial capacity by filling local budgets through the development of the relevant territories. The perspectives of local socio-economic development, new economic opportunities and directions of tourism and recreational capacities using through international partnership are identified on the case of Kherson region, including involvement of Kherson region and certain territorial communities in the international project “Decentralization brings better results and efficiency” (DOBRE). The impact of the DOBRE program on the development of the tourism and recreational sector of the Kherson region is analyzed, including the formation of a tourist cluster formed after the unification of territorial communities, the purpose of its creation and the main directions of work. On the basis of the conducted research the key problems and prospects of local economic development are identified. They can be solved through international partnerships and strategic planning using the tourism capacity and development of coastal territorial communities.
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