The world system of categories of protected areas and the place of recreation in the structure of their functioning is considered. Found that recreational use of the territory, subject to conservation measures, is typical for national parks, landmarks of nature and protected landscapes. Recreation in protected areas acts as a basis of ecological tourism – one of the main directions of development of the tourism industry. Foreign experience of recreational use of protected areas is analyzed. The main regions that form demand for ecological tourism are North America and Western Europe with a high level of population activity. The offer in the sphere of ecological tourism is formed by countries that are characterized by a low level of technological development, which has contributed to the preservation of the natural environment (countries in Asia, Africa, South America). The features of recreational use of national parks of the United States of America and organization of ecological tourism in national parks of South Africa are considered. The directions of application of the analysed experience in Ukraine are defined (legislative, program, managerial, technological, informational). The measures on introduction of the foreign experience of recreational use of protected areas in Ukraine are offered, including: improvement of the infrastructure component of protected institutions; rational management of recreational activities within protected areas; providing of strict control over the preservation of the natural environment; setting a limit on the time spent within the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund; strengthening of educational work with visitors; establishing of stable monitoring of the functional state of recreationally loaded natural systems. The prospects for the development of recreation within the protected areas of Ukraine on the basis of world experience are outlined. Support for protected areas, which are often visited by tourists, can bring long-term economic benefits for the national economy. The nature reserve fund of Ukraine should become one of the main drivers of the development of recreational infrastructure in our country, especially given the fact that the area of protected areas is increasing every year.
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