• V.I. Vyshnevskyi
  • I.V. Mykhalchuk
Keywords: UNESCO, World Heritage, list, objects and candidates from Ukraine


The list of objects of Ukraine which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, as well asthose that are candidates for inclusion in this list has been analyzed. The opinion has been expressed thatthe relatively small number of objects of Ukraine in the World Heritage List (seven) is to some extentis explained by the fact that when selecting objects for consideration, the requirements (or criteria) forthese were not sufficiently taken into account. Consequently, a large number of Ukrainian object, whichare currently is in the list of candidates (seventeen), are left for many years without a positive decisionby the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee. However, in Ukraine there are several objects which correspond to the criteria of World Heritage Convention and can actually be included in this list. Suchobjects include the Danube Delta, the Romanian part of which was included in the list in 1991. In thiscase, it is important not only that the Danube Delta belongs to both countries, but also that this delta isincluded in the list of 200 most valuable ecosystems of the Earth – Global 200. It is justified that severalother objects correspond the requirements of the Convention, namely the Caves of Ternopil region, theFortresses of Transnistria, Serpent Shafts. It was carried out the description of these objects, as well asa list of articles of the Convention to which they correspond. In particular, it is noted that the caves ofTernopil region, some of which are among the longest in the world, correspond at least two criteria of theConvention: vii – the object is a natural phenomenon or space of exceptional natural beauty and aestheticimportance, and viii – the object is an outstanding example of the main stages of the Earth history, inparticular a monument to the past, a symbol of geological processes, the development of relief. The sameapplies to the Oleshkivski Sands.The fortresses of Transnistria and the Serpent Shafts are unique culturalheritage sites as well. Each of these objects meets at least three criteria of cultural heritage, both of whichare as follows: iii – the object is unique or at least exclusive to the cultural tradition or civilization, vi – theobject is associated with events or traditions and is of exceptional importance. Some other natural andcultural sites of Ukraine also correspond to several criteria of the Convention.


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