• I.H. Melnyk
Keywords: statistics, statistical literacy, population geography, competencies, sex-age pyramids, Bloom’s taxonomy


The formation of statistical literacy of students in the information society conditions is increasinglyconsidered as a great outcome of studying at school. The ability to think quantitatively allows young peopleto make the right decisions and better navigate difficult situations. Many of them will have to deal withstatistics in their professional activities. Geography is one of the disciplines in the school education system,which has a significant potential to promote statistical literacy of students. Statistical methods are traditionalfor geography, and the indicators it uses are extremely diverse. However, the results of many surveys revealsignificant shortcomings in the preparation of students and indicate the need to improve their statistical skills. The article discusses the following questions, what is statistical literacy, what components it consistsof and why it is necessary for students and teachers of geography. Students’ statistical literacy shall beconsidered as the ability to understand, interpret, critically evaluate in different contexts and analyzestatistical information, as well as use it as evidence in arguments. The article identifies the main statisticalskills and abilities that are formed during the study of the segment of population geography.The general methodical issues regarding formation among students of statistical literacy for a segment ofgeography of the population have been covered. The approaches and methods of pedagogical activity havebeen offered, which, according to the author, will make the learning process more effective and will allow toshift the emphasis from memorizing statistical information to its deep understanding and critical thinking.The article raises the issue of the importance of interpreting statistical indicators in different contexts.Options of application of a method of sex-age pyramids in various subjects and courses, examples of tasksfor development of critical thinking, problem training of geography have been suggested. Convenient digitalservices have been recommended, which allow teachers to diversify the source database of statistical dataand motivate students to work with population statistics. Examples of multilevel problems in populationgeography according to Bloom’s taxonomy of educational goals have been given.


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