• O.V. Vashchenko
Keywords: core, periphery, Kyiv region, labor potential


Already in most segments of the economy there are new facts of labor shortage for Ukraine.The formation and use of Ukraine’s labor potential is quite polarized. First, it is due to the varying degreesof favorable geographical location of the administrative-territorial units of the country. Secondly, the existence of uneven social development of the regions of Ukraine creates different conditions for thefunctioning of the labor market and the reproduction of labor resources. Third, the development oflabor potential of any region of the country depends mainly on diverse programs and strategies of socioeconomicdevelopment at different taxonomic levels of government.To spatially delimit the development of labor potential of Kyiv region, the dynamics of the integratedrank of labor potential development for 2010–2016 was analyzed.The main methods of work were the use of index methods, factor and cluster analysis. The task of thestudy was to test the provisions of the concept of “Core–Periphery” on the materials of the labor potentialof the population of Kyiv region.The results of the analysis helped to identify four different types of districts of Kyiv region by thecore-peripheral feature of labor potential development during 2010–2016: 1) central-type districts orcore-districts/central districts; 2) areas of semi-peripheral type or semi-peripheral areas; 3) peripheralareas or peripheral areas; 4) lacunar-type areas or lacunar areas (areas that are exceptions to the rules ofcenter-peripheral spatial distribution).This structure is a consequence of the territorial concentration of different levels of labor potentialdevelopment in the studied micro-regions, as a result of this concentration there is an accumulation andgeneration of various innovations that directly or indirectly affect the labor potential of districts. Coreareas or central areas are areas-leaders in the level of labor potential development, which in fact form asingle zone of advanced development of labor potential among all studied areas. The semi-periphery oflabor potential development in Kyiv region combines all possible palette of districts-neighbors of Kyiv,which is quite strong in the nature and level of labor potential development of each semi-peripheralmicro-region. Peripheral microregions are outsider districts in terms of the level of labor potentialdevelopment. The type of lacunar areas has only one representative, which forms a separate spatial centerin the territorial organization of the center-periphery of labor potential development.


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