• V.P. Vorovka
Keywords: aqua landscape, anthropogenic activity, anthropogenic aqua landscape, water area of the Sea of Azov


The article, based on historical and geographical analysis, attempts to identify all the diversity ofanthropogenic aqua landscapes caused by different types of anthropogenic activities. Periodicals andseven periods of anthropogenic impact on the waters of the Sea of Azov and its consequences have beenidentified. It was found that the anthropogenic impact was most intense during the second half of theXIX century (construction and development of ports) and in 1950–2000 (intensive development ofindustry, agriculture, industrial fishing). The term “aqua landscapes” and the reasons for its differences from the landscape on land are defined.It was found that the aqua landscape is a geographical landscape, the structure and functioning of whichis determined by fresh or salt running or standing water, which is its main component, as well as thehabitat of living organisms. Aqua landscapes differ significantly from terrestrial landscapes both infeatures of structure and in functioning, which is determined by the formation and development in theaquatic environment. Anthropogenic aqua landscapes are altered or transformed by human activitiesaqua landscapes. Their functioning in the sea occurs according to natural laws.It was found that anthropogenic aqua landscapes were formed as a result of direct and indirectanthropogenic activities. Direct types of impact are caused by the development of sand and shelldeposits, laying and regular clearing of suitable sea channels to the ports of Genichesk, Berdyansk andMariupol and dredging works in their waters, dumping of soils on the seabed. Indirect anthropogenicimpact is associated with pollution of water masses and bottom sediments by municipal, industrial andirrigation effluents, removal of pollution by rivers of the Azov basin, vehicle emissions, etc. The schemeof anthropogenic impact on the aqua landscapes of the Sea of Azov is concluded. The current state ofanthropogenic aqua landscapes in the sea is revealed.


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