• O.V. Davydov
  • V.B. Chaus
  • O.B. Murkalov
  • O.M. Roskos
  • S.V. Simchenko
Keywords: coastal systems, “winged foreland”, coastal zone, underwater slope, shore, coastal systems, foredunes


In the coastal zone of the oceans, there are various coastal systems, among which the most specific are “winged forelands”. Within the Black Sea coast there are four “winged forelands”: Tendra–Dzharylgach, Kinburnska–Pokrovska–Dovgiy, Burnaska–Budatska and Lebedyna–Ustrychna, which named by same structural ones. The purpose of the publication is to systematize the primary information about the morphological features of the coastal zone of the barrier system type ‘winged foreland” Kinburnska– Pokrovska–Dovgy which was obtained during field research. During the natural research in 2019, within the most typical areas of the coastal zone, reference benchmarks and morphological profiles were laid and recorded by a GPS. The total length of the coastal system is about 35 km, within its boundaries there are 7 benchmarks, which contains for 1 benchmark per 5 km, and a systematic geomorphological survey of 20 profiles (1 profile per 1.75 km) is carried out. Relevant indicators suggest that the results of the research are reliable. Morphologically, the studied system is a “winged foreland”, within which there are four structural and morphological elements: Kinburnska Spit, Frontal Coast or “headland”, Pokrovska Spit with the islands of Kruglyi and Dovhyi. Kinburnska Spit is a free accumulative coastal form located in the northwestern part of the Kinburn Peninsula. Morphogenetically, it is an arrow that develops in the conditions of bilateral feeding by beach sediments. The Frontal Coast or “headland” is the central component, within which the sand massifs of the Kinburn Peninsula go directly to the coastal zone. Pokrovska spit with the islands of Krugliy and Dovhiy is a relict generation, which is genetically an ancient accumulative form divided into three components. All these components are located on the surface of the base of the ancient coastal form, and their development occurs in conditions of limited supply of beach sediments. The front of the Pokrovsky Peninsula with the Sukha Spit and the Island Bar “Zagreba” is a modern accumulative generation that is actively increasing in size and advancing towards the waters of Tendra Bay.


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