• O.D. Lavryk
  • V.V. Tsymbaliuk
Keywords: anthropogenic landscape, landscape-technical system, paradynamic landscape complex, river valley, drainage basin


The formation of large-scale landscape-technical systems (LTchS), which territorially extended beyond river valleys, complicated the processes of exchange of matter, energy and information between valleyriver and watershed types of areas, which led to the emergence of paradynamic landscape complexes of higher taxonomic rank. It is noted that on the territory of the Right Bank of Ukraine a significant number of anthropogenic paradynamic landscape complexes (APDLС) have been formed in the neighboring watersheds, which closely interact with each other. It was found that the formation and functioning of natural paradynamic landscape complexes of different taxonomic rank is due to many paradynamic and paragenetic connections. Longitudinal and anthropogenic paragenetic landscape complexes (APGLС) are characterized by longitudinal and transverse paragenetic connections, which are analyzed on the example of APGLС type "dam - pond - bridge - mill - island". There are three orders of basin APDLС: 1) basin APDLС of the 3rd order originate in the bottom of the river valley and gradually spread to watersheds; 2) basins of APDLС of the 2nd order unite among themselves APDLС which are located along the main stream; 3) basin APDLС of the 1st order arise due to a combination of landscape-technical systems in the valley of the main river with LTchS in the valleys of tributaries. The specifics of the functioning of the complex inter-basin APDLС "LTchS of the Right Bank of Ukraine", which is formed by the landscape and technical systems of the Dnieper, Dniester, Southern Bug, Danube, Vistula and Black Sea rivers, are considered. In each basin there are several centers (regional centers or centers of united territorial communities), which are subordinated to the central place (capital). The relationship between them is provided through a set of mechanical (movement of goods and passengers) and water (transportation of water through canals and water mains) paradynamic connections. Emphasis is placed on modern environmental problems in the catchment areas of the Right Bank of Ukraine. It is concluded that the study of paradynamic and paragenetic relationships within watersheds is aimed at the rational use of natural resources of river valleys. Control over the condition of APDLС should be entrusted to local basin administrations, where the leading role can be assigned to landscape engineers.


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