Today there is a problem of insufficient organization of recreational areas of the Black Sea coastal zonewithin the Kherson region, which is the lack of a unified systemic approach in the field of land use andmanagement of coastal areas. Recreational services are sometimes provided in unsuitable places, whichleads to unpleasant (sometimes catastrophic) consequences for both the environment and economicactivity. The relief of the study area, namely the coastal zone of the Black Sea within the Kherson region,is considered as an ecological and geomorphological system, as a component in the functioning of thetourist and recreational complex. In this context, the issue of geomorphological safety of the territory,environmental risks, as factors influencing the degree of recreational attractiveness.The article analyzes modern morphometric, morphological and morphogenetic characteristics withinrecreational points and adjacent areas of the coastal zone of the root part of the abrasion-accumulationsystem Tendra-Dzharilgach. Іnvestigation was in areas of resort settlements village Zalizniy port, villagePrymorske (Bolshevik) and Lazurne township of Skadovskyi district of Kherson region and unorganizedplaces of rest in the areas between settlements by GPS-tracking method with fixing of control points for their further transfer to the geoinformation space for analysis and systematization. Differences inthe development of the coastal zone in the presence and absence of coastal protection structures wererevealed. The influence of natural factors (including change of wind regime, frequency and intensity ofbending phenomena), anthropogenic factors (construction of sanitary zone of beaches, illegal extractionof sand from the seabed, spontaneous shore protection, transformation of undeveloped areas of the coastwithin recreational recreational areas (beaches) within the study area. A comparison of current dataobtained from field research, digitized with data from space images of different years, obtained using GISGoogle Earth Pro.
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