The article characterizes the main aspects of STEM-education: the development of critical thinking, integrated learning, active communication of all participants in the learning process, non-standard and innovative approaches and directions of STEM-education development. Its active introduction in teaching natural sciences and mathematics of secondary schools, especially the use of STEM-technologies in teaching. A well-organized, good STEM lesson is, first of all, a coordinated and motivated learning process, where each activity is of special interest and is accessible and understandable for students. To develop this type of training, the teacher must first think in a non-standardized and comprehensive way, experiment and usually constantly improve themselves to achieve the desired result. When designing a quality lesson in STEM format, special attention should be paid to the peculiarities of its creation and organization, namely: all students should form a single joint mechanism of interaction and be actively involved in the productive solution of real situations or problems; it is advisable to invite students to develop their own demonstration models or prototypes; in order to achieve the set goal and produce a truly high-quality innovative product, it is important to work effectively in a team that will work as a single coordinated mechanism, where each of the participants has a task. Following the path of innovative development, the teacher first of all diversifies his pedagogical approach to the presentation of educational material and expands the possibilities of its perception and assimilation by students. Innovative integrated approach to teaching is one of the ways that combines both STEM elements and non-standard forms of presenting information to students. Educational sites, simulation simulators, modern virtual laboratories such as: “VirtuLab”, laboratory – “GoogleSites”, online laboratories “GoLab / Graasp” and interesting, interactive, worksheets: “Liveworksheets” are highly effective in conducting STEM-classes. allowing students to conduct virtual exciting and cognitive experiments in physics, geography, chemistry, biology, ecology and other subjects, in three-dimensional and twodimensional spaces. STEM-educational space is multidisciplinary, competence-oriented and provides the formation of a unique set of cognitive and social skills, in particular: the ability to identify, pose and solve problems, interact with others in different social and cognitive situations, critically evaluate events and phenomena, motivate and move common goal, etc.
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