Since 2015, the PROMIS project, supported by the Ministry of International Affairs of Canada, has beenimplemented to strengthen Ukraine’s municipal sector, effective democratic governance, and acceleratethe country’s economic development. This project has become a prototype of modern Strategies for thedevelopment of cities and territorial communities of Ukraine. Its main aspects were the transformationof each of the development strategies, which were specially developed in accordance with each territorialcommunity of Ukraine. The key development goals were: economic growth of the region; socio-politicalprotection of the population; urban and demographic growth; labor market reform and competitivenessof labor resources; decentralization of power.The article analyzes the Strategy for the Development of the Kherson Territorial Community until 2030through the prism of theories and concepts of urban development and in the context of implementingthe Sustainable Development Goals until 2030 (in particular, CRS 11 “Make cities and towns open,safe, stable, modern”). The economic development of the regions is focused on small and medium-sizedbusinesses, which is why a number of reforms have been introduced, which include: reform, taxation andbusiness transparency. Promoting the development and formation of small and medium-sized businesseswithin the region. Due to the received taxes from small and medium business, each of the regionsindividually develops its business infrastructure. The example of Kherson region is: reconstruction and improvement of port facilities, modernization of educational institutions, cultural and historical heritagesites, improvement of transport arteries, laying of new asphalt pavement, reconstruction of the Black Searecreational area to develop competitive tourism in the region. The obligatory point of each strategic planwas the ecological balance of the region and its socio-economic stability. Improving the quality of life inthe region. Development of partnerships in economic, trade and cultural and tourist areas.
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