Keywords: coastal system, “winged foreland”, coastal barrier, spit, shore bar, ledge of erosion


The coastal system of Kinburns’ka-Pokrovs’ka-Dovgy is located in the northwestern part of the Black Sea. Morphologically, it belongs to the “winged forelamds”, and hydrodynamically it is a kind of coastal barrier. Behind barrier-based reservoirs are wetlands of international importance that are of significant conservation value. The front part of the barrier develops under the active influence of the wave factor, which causes seasonal and perennial morphodynamic changes. Under conditions of prevailing destructive processes, partial or complete destruction of the barrier is possible, which can lead to the destruction of the unique properties of isolated reservoirs. In order to determine the current state of the coastal zone and prevent the negative consequences of destructive processes, we monitor morphodynamic processes within the studied coastal system. The length of the coastal system of Kinburns’ka-Pokrovs’ka-Dovgy is about 35 km. Along the front of the system we laid 7 stationary reference sites for monitoring morphodynamic processes. The location of the system of benchmarks is due to the structural-morphological and dynamic features of the coastal zone of the system. Within the reference areas, the leveling (transverse profiles) of the coastal zone is repeated annually to determine the quantitative parameters of the dynamics. In parallel with the leveling, we annually perform GPS-tracking (fixation) of the metric parameters of the coastal strip. This allows you to determine the dynamic trends of the coastline. In order to form a reliable idea of the trends in the development of the shores of the system for many years, we conducted an analysis of archival cartographic material and satellite (aerial) images of different years. The analysis of the obtained material allows us to state that during the observation period along the front of the system destructive processes are dominant, but, at certain stages of development, they are periodically replaced by accumulative processes. Regarding the quantitative parameters of the shore dynamics, they have significant differences between individual stationary areas. A system of stationary areas, GPS-tracking (fixation) of the coastal strip, analysis of cartographic and aerial photographs of satellite images have been developed, which allows us to consider the results of the research reliable.


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