It was presented the description of the natural features of Greece, which determine the attractivenessof this country for tourism, namely the huge length of the sea coast, warm and clean sea water, aridsubtropical climate, beautiful mountain landscapes. A three-dimensional image of the Greece territoryhas been created, which gives a good idea about its predominantly mountainous terrain. Brief informationabout the largest Greek peninsulas and islands is given. The most important data on the population ofthe country, the state of the economy, as well as the significant role of the tourism sector are shown. The income of Greece from the tourism is given. The wealth of country for historical and cultural heritage isbriefly presented. The most famous sites of the a UNESCO World Heritage are mentioned. The dynamicsof tourist flows to this country is studied. It is shown that till 2019 the number of foreign tourists morethan three times exсeeded the Greece population. A significant drop occurred in 2020, due to the Covid-19pandemic. It is noted that most tourists come to this country from Germany, some less – from the UnitedKingdom. Information about number of Ukrainian tourists visiting Greece is given. Their share is relativelysmall, it is less than 1% of the total. The analysis of the factors, which determines the preferential visitingof Turkey by Ukrainian tourists, is given. The main factor is the cost of a holiday in Greece, which aboutone and a half times is higher. Information on passenger traffic at local airports is given, which allows tofind out the most popular holiday destinations. Routes of aviation connection of Greece with the largestcities of Ukraine are described. Ukrainian airlines companies operating these flights are mentioned. Thedata on the cost of rest at the peak of the tourist season of 2021 are presented. The features of rest in themost popular tourist regions, in particular on Corfu, Crete and Rhodes islands are shown. The data aboutthe sea beaches in Greece are presented. It is noted that by the number of beaches with the Blue Flag(over 500) the country ranks second in the world after Spain. The temperature of sea water in differentregions was described, as well as the factors influencing this temperature.
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