Geography education at school requires the choice of optimal methods for the formation of subject knowledge, skills and abilities. One of the directions of modernization of the system of geographical education at school is the introduction of computer technologies into the educational process, the introduction and use of effective teaching methods. Today, the priority of universal values is tangible in education. The modern teacher in his work should set such tasks as to be closer and more accessible, more interesting and more effective. Among the common and popular interactive approaches are the following: creative tasks, games (role-playing, simulation and developmental), use of human resources (excursions, invitations of specialists), social projects, use of new material (interactive lectures, video and audio materials, student in the role of “teacher”, Socratic dialogue, questions), problem solving (associative maps, brainstorming, case analysis). Practice shows that the use of the above interactive methods helps to achieve better results in modern education. Recent research shows that interactive learning not only helps the student to easily learn new material, but also to memorize it for a longer period of time. During the geography lesson, students can interact with the teacher and with each other, as well as conduct training individually and at a comfortable pace in extracurricular activities. Joint activity is manifested in the fact that everyone contributes, in the course of work there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity. Today we are at the stage of updating the entire education system, in which the teacher is the facilitator and coordinator of the information flow. He needs to master modern methods and educational technologies to communicate in one language with students. Therefore, for a successful lesson, the teacher must master all possible resources that will help to attract and organize students in the learning process, give them a balanced motivation to learn, as well as create an optimal and comfortable environment for each student’s own ideas and aspirations.
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