The aim of the work is to study the spatio-temporal features of forest resources by means of GIStechnologiesof the Selyatyn territorial community of Vyzhnytskyi district of Chernivtsi region.Quantitative indicators of the time distribution of the disappearance of wood cover of the onlineresource Global Forest Watch for the community from 2001 to 2020 showed that the lowest values of the area were in the early 2000s, in 2001 it was 53 hectares, and the highest in 2007 and amounted to 426hectares. During 2001–2021, the total area of loss was 4398 hectares.The data of the electronic register of logging tickets for timber harvesting of the State Agency ofForest Resources of Ukraine are analyzed. Thanks to the functional capabilities of the geoportal, it waspossible to identify the boundaries of Putyla forestry, Selyatyn forestry with marked boundaries of forests,neighborhoods, allotments and fellings. The determined area of the allocated plots that were subject tofelling is 18.64 ha.Decoding and analysis of Sentinel 2 space images in the geographic information system – QGIS.In 2021, areas with deforestation were discovered in the areas under forest cover. To assess the spatiotemporalchanges of the forested areas of the study area, a series of space images were compared andmanually deciphered. Almost 30 plots with a total area of about 110 hectares have been identified. Aseparate vectorized thematic layer of sites was created for 2016. The result showed that the number ofselected facilities was 68 units with a total area of almost 251 hectares. During the same period, accordingto the online resource Globalforestwatch, the area under felling was 253 hectares. This confirms thesuccessful use of GIS for spatial and temporal analysis of forested areas.Sentinel 2 (Earthhexplorer) images imported into GIS were analyzed, in which areas with felling andspace images of popular geoplatforms were identified. Most of the space images have been found to beout of date, and the geo-objects on them do not quite correspond to their current state. And on somegeoplatforms, space images have not been updated for several years.
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