Keywords: agrolandscape, agro-irrigation, transformation, anthropogenic complex, ecological problem, differentiation, landscape


The complexity of geological, geomorphological, climatic and vegetation cover is typical for the territory of Lankaran region, located in the geographical coordinate system WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984) between the latitudes 38°24´ and 39°31´ north, between the longitudes 47°59´ and 49°14´. Due to their interaction, various natural territorial complexes – landscapes – were formed in the territory of the region. The position of the Caspian coast of Lankaran natural region and the complexity of its orography have created specific conditions in the region. The Caspian Sea has become an active force in the area, not only with the movement of air masses, but also with transgression and regression at different times. The structure of the land cover of the areas that are released the fastest under the Caspian Sea differs from the area that is released the fastest. This difference becomes a serious factor in soil fertility and productivity. Landscapes created due to the decrease of precipitation during the ascent to the highlands have created natural features in the territory of Lankaran natural region that differ from other mountainous regions of the republic. This difference is also due to the fact that these landscapes are exposed to different levels of human anthropogenic impact. The interaction of a number of natural factors plays an important role in the settlement of the population. We examine the role of the relief factor in these factors. The complexity of the relief of the natural region has a serious impact on the settlement of the population, and as a result of these effects, natural landscapes in different absolute altitudes have been transformed in accordance with the number of people living there, activities, i.e. anthropogenic transformation. Not only the number of people, but also the direction of employment of the population differs in the degree of impact on the landscape. The favorable climatic conditions of the territory of Lankaran natural region have ensured the population’s ancient agricultural activities. Today, the active influence of groups of the population engaged in agricultural and livestock activities on the landscape is higher. For example, in the Talish Mountains, the main orographic unit of the Lankaran natural region, with an absolute height of 1.700 meters or more, up to 6 head of cattle can be grazed per hectare, grazing more than 6 animals accelerates soil erosion and natural landscape transformation. In areas with low climatic conditions, the creation of objects belonging to the cultural landscape complexes of anthropogenic impacts in recent years has led to changes in natural landscapes. Population settlement is more dependent on climatic conditions, and climatic conditions, like a number of other factors, depend on relief. The most modern inclination map of the natural region, the map of the vertical division of the relief of the area, the map of the horizontal division of the relief of the area, the map of the population of the area, etc. were analyzed. The role of relief factor in anthropogenicization of landscapes was analyzed.


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